dollar store crafts

Dollar Store Crafts


Banquets on a budget. That's what we are good at. My other Mom friends and I were recently tasked with putting together the decorations for our kids swim team banquet. With very limited funds and with glass bowls left over from last years banquet, we came up with a plan.

Glitter them up. Guys, what doesn't look good with a little glitter added?

I put together a quick video with the step by step. So simple.

  1. Using regular Elmer's glue, paint the glass.
  2. I set the bowl onto a paper plate to catch the glitter.

Boom! Done. We added glitter to some dollar store candles to put in the middle...I do NOT suggest it. The glitter caught on fire when the candle burned down. It was all very funny but um, no, do NOT add glitter to your candles.

We also glittered a few dollar store vases and added pillar candles.


IMG_2533My favorite was these dollar store wine glasses we added glitter to the base, made a paper shade using scrapbook paper and a votive candle. Love!

The kids thought everything looked great and we already have some ideas how to reuse these items for next years banquet. Gotta love dollar store crafting! Click on the link below to see the quick video!

Dollar Store Crafts